Our Tackle football program is open to any child located in Southeastern Wisconsin entering 1st-8th grade for the Fall 2024. Teams are based on grade level: 1st/2nd grade (combined), 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade.
Tentative Season Timeline
To start the season, we will host a mandatory equipment fitting for players on Sunday June 9th. This fitting will include jersey sizing and equipment handout for the season, based on inventory availability. We will communicate a fitting sign up via email in May. A new parent meeting to kick off the season will be held, DATE TBA.
Practices will begin the week of July 29th starting with 3 mandatory practices without pads for conditioning. Practice days & times will be determined based on field availability and coach scheduling. Typically, each team practices 4 days per week. Once school starts, they go down to 3 days per week.
To kick-off the season, our fundraising committee is planning for a fun for all ages family event on Saturday August 3rd.
On August 17th each team is required to participate in SEYFA's jamboree hosted by Stateline in Spring Grove, IL. This event includes scrimmage play and mandatory weigh ins.
Games are played on Saturday's typically starting on Saturday August 24th and runs through the end of October. Each team will have an 8 game season minimum. Our league runs October playoffs with a Super Bowl to be held on the last Saturday of October. (Tentative postponement date can go into November)
After the season has ended, we typically host an end of season bowling & pizza part for each team on Date TBA. Equipment drop off will be held on Date TBA.
For full details on rules, playoff standings, etc. Please visit www.seyfa.org
Season Communications
All teams will maintain primary communications through the TeamSnap website and app tool. We have had great success with trial usage of this platform. It is great for understanding team schedules, communicating with teammates, sharing photos, etc.
Also of note, this is directly tied to your registration, for ease of information entry. If you had a player previously enrolled on this app in prior seasons, there is an option at the time of registration to carryover their information.